Oman Corporate Governance Centre organizes a lecture on Corporate Governance

10 August 2014



Oman Corporate Governance and Sustainability Centre of CMA (OCCGS  organized lecture titled “The Economy and Corporate Governance” for the employees of  the Secretariat General of the Supreme Council for Planning (SCP) on Wednesday 6 August 2014.



The lecture was delivered by Ahmed Ali Al Makhaini, Expert at OCCGS and the participation of Hamid Sultan Al Busaidy, Acting Director General of Support Services, CMA and the attendance of HE Talal Sulaiman Al Rahbi, Deputy Secretary General of the SCP. The lecture focused on the governance, means and methods.


Hamid Al Busaidy said the lecture aims at introducing the concept of corporate  governance and its importance to the companies and the institutions of the national economy in general. Corporate governance is a basic requirement for business development to attain a sustainable economy.


OCCGS was established in 2010  under CMA to disseminate the corporate governance concepts and culture in the Sultanate.