CMA continues its support to the Oman Association for Disabled in the Frame of Social Responsibility

31 October 2013

In line with CMA’s keenness to interact with the various segments of the community and to promote the community’s ability to achieve sustainable development in the different social, environmental, educational and cultural fields, and with its deep belief in the importance of social responsibility that exceeds charity works to cover many other fields like; human, ethical, professional and environmental issues, community development and others.


And in line with the continuous communication and cooperation between CMA and the civil community institutions, CMA provided financial support to the Oman Association for Disabled for providing hearing support devices for the deaf to ease their communication with others. This initiative comes within CMA’s belief in the significant role played by the Association in providing best services to the disabled category in the Sultanate, supporting their requirements and needs and activating their role in order to merge them into the society. The Association seeks to introduce the community and its institutions to disability issues, provide disabled with required devices and equipment, and provide them with educational, qualifying and training services.


It is worth to mention that CMA called all public stock companies and investment funds to activate the Oman initiative for social responsibility launched in 12th November, 2009. CMA issued an administrative circular in this regard calling companies for the importance of finding communication channels with the community, so as each company shall include a section in its annual report on its efforts in the field of social responsibility and its work mechanism in this field.